Yooralla supports the Voice to Parliament
Yooralla has resolved to adopt a position of support for the Voice to Parliament.
Terry Symonds, Yooralla’s Chief Executive Officer, sees the direct connection between the referendum and Yooralla’s purpose.
“Statistics from The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability show that First Nations people are twice as likely than the rest of the Australian community to have a disability. For children under 18, it is almost three times as likely. This makes it absolutely core business for a disability provider like Yooralla,” said Mr Symonds.
“We see support for the Voice as a way to improve disability outcomes for people and improve disability policy for First Nations people in the country.”
“The simple reality is if we don't address barriers for First Nations people to access services and improve the determinants of health and wellbeing for First Nations people, that we're not doing our job in terms of ensuring a kind of world where there are equal opportunities for people with disability.
“It's also about letting the First Nations community know that we're listening and aim to be a culturally safe and culturally aware organisation.”
“This is a referendum in which every individual is free to express their own views, and we expect that our staff and clients may have differing views.
“It is the position of the organisation to stand in support of the Voice to Parliament,” Mr Symonds said.
Media contact:
Julia Le Hunt, Senior Marketing and Communications Advisor, Yooralla
Phone: 03 9633 6912
Mobile: 0448 245 244
Email: marcoms@yooralla.com.au