Yooralla at the Virtual Disability Expo
Are you looking for all the latest disability information and services?
This year, the Virtual Disability Expo will be held in lieu of the Melbourne Disability Expo, giving you the opportunity to connect and be informed - all from the comfort of your own home...
The virtual exhibition will have an easy to use live and interactive platform where you can access exhibitions, guest speakers and special performances.
The platform also hosts accessible features to support people with disability with screen reader compatibility, Alt text, Auslan interpreters and live captioning available for all webinars, Auslan interpreters available on request.
Yooralla Connect will be showcasing Yooralla’s services across the two-day event – make sure you drop them a line and say hello!
Event details:
- Friday 4 September: 10am to 5pm
- Saturday 5 September: 10am to 3pm
Register online now for fast and easy access.
Find out more about the Expo here.