Recognising the contribution of carers during National Carers Week
For National Carers Week, we are sharing the story of a carer Deb, who is the mother David, a resident at Yooralla’s Supported Accommodation.
As part of National Carers Week, Yooralla is recognising the important contribution they make to the lives of people with disability.
National Carers Week runs from the 13 to 19 October and recognises and celebrates the contribution Australia's 2.7 million unpaid carers make to the nation.
For National Carers Week, we are sharing the story of a carer Deb, who is the mother David, a resident at Yooralla’s Supported Accommodation. She is just one of the many thousands of carers that Yooralla works with every day.
Watch this video about Deb and her perspective as a carer about Yooralla’s residential accommodation where David lives with the support of Yooralla.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding supports to people with disability as well as their carers. One of the funded supports that supports both people with disability and their carers is shared supported accommodation.
Shared supported accommodation can enable carers to have the opportunity to pursue their own goals and achieve greater independence, while knowing that their family member also enjoys their own independence, supported by others.
In the video, Deb talks about the way that she can drop in any time to visit David and always find him engaged in some great activity or just having a bit of fun. She also reflects on the benefits to her and David.
“Yooralla’s support makes a huge difference to David’s life. If it was just left to me and his dad, David wouldn’t be pursuing the range of activities that he is at present,” she says.
Read more if you’d like to know more about Yooralla’s shared supported accommodation and to view our current accommodation vacancies.