Increasing independence and capacity through Hospital to Home
Hospital to Home has been increasing client independence and capacity which can sometimes be impacted by an extended stay in hospital.

Yooralla’s Hospital to Home program is going from strength to strength since its inception in 2021, supporting 17 clients from across Melbourne to get out of hospital and into a home environment.
This transition has many benefits for clients, including increasing their independence and capacity which can sometimes be impacted by an extended stay in hospital. This was certainly the case for Jake**, who moved into a Yooralla supported accommodation service under the Hospital to Home program while awaiting a permanent supports plan.
Jake had spent almost four months in hospital after a fall at home led to a change in his support needs. Throughout his time as a patient at Monash Health, Jake became reliant on the nursing staff at the hospital to assist with day-to-day tasks, such as personal care.
This is a common occurrence when people spend an extended amount of time in hospital, where everyday tasks such as showering, personal care, preparing of meals and more are all completed by nursing staff. People often lose their independence and ability to perform these important tasks for themselves.
Jake was identified as a candidate for the Hospital to Home program, where he could move into a home-like environment at our Box Hill supported accommodation. Here, our disability support workers have been supporting him to regain his skills and independence.
A key factor in regaining independence is allowing the person with disability the time to compete tasks for themselves, whereas in a hospital – these tasks are often completed for them by nursing staff who are under time pressure to care for many people in the hospital environment.
Meghan Springett, Senior Service Manager – Hospital to Home explains that “there is more time for staff to support clients in a quiet, calm and homely environment, which enables them to take the time to increase their independence.”
“Hospital to Home clients come leaps and bounds with their activities of daily living. They are more independent and challenge themselves each day with capacity building,” Meaghan said.
Before too long, Jake was completing all his personal care independently, getting himself up and ready for his day. Since transitioning out of hospital, Jake has chosen to continue his supports with Yooralla, and will be moving into Yooralla supported accommodation in Highett close to family, where he can continue to build his capacity and develop his independent living skills.
About Hospital to Home
Yooralla’s Hospital to Home Program has been specifically designed to support people with disability who are currently stuck in hospital even though they have no medical need to be there.
It provides a mechanism for someone to live in temporary accommodation while their permanent supports and/or accommodation are being arranged following a hospital admission, rather than having to wait in hospital while this is arranged or while awaiting permanent funding under the NDIS.
This is a much better environment to live in while awaiting permanent supports. It will also support the hospital system which continues to be under additional strain.
Our goal is to make people with disability feel like they are at home as much as possible. Our staff will work with participants to understand what supports they need and how they like to be supported – both in the home and in the community.
**name changed for privacy