Changes to the provision of ComTEC Services at Yooralla

Within the current model of the NDIS, ComTEC is unable to continue as a standalone specialist service.

Within the current model of the NDIS, ComTEC is unable to continue as a standalone specialist service due to the ability to access Assistive Technology (AT) via suppliers and the unsustainable operational costs (expensive AT equipment and operating within the current NDIS guidelines) associated with providing ComTEC Services.

The ComTEC team is comprised of speech pathologists and occupational therapists with specialist knowledge and expertise in the area of communication devices and other AT.

Clients and their primary therapists will still be able to access specialist AT supports from these therapists, within the broader Allied Health team, including:

  • Individual therapy support
  • Secondary consultations with clients and their primary therapist
  • Equipment hires to trial communication devices and other AT
  • Training
  • Professional Development

What is changing is that ComTEC will no longer be a stand-alone business within Yooralla, however our specialist therapists will have the opportunity to be part of the broader Allied Health team. This means that these therapists will be able to provide ongoing support to clients in addition to providing consultations relating to specialist AT.

Direct service delivery will no longer occur outside of the 30 minutes of a Yooralla base, as per NDIS guidelines, unless the service can be provided via Telehealth.

We are currently engaging in consultation with impacted employees, working with them to enhance the current service offering within the Allied Health Team, through provision of specialist AT services, in order to utilise their invaluable skills, knowledge and expertise.

We anticipate the closure of the service to be completed by the end of January 2024, with all existing ComTEC bookings prior to the close date honoured.

For more information, please refer to the FAQs or contact Kylie Bowden, Acting Director – Allied Health on

If you currently require Therapy services, please get in touch via our website.

IMAGE: An allied health professional working with a young client on Occupational Therapy

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