Chief Executive Officer Update - August 2023
Welcome to this month’s edition of News@Yooralla.
In this edition
There’s been plenty happening in the disability accommodation space at Yooralla.
We're now offering Medium Term Accommodation (MTA). If you need a place to live while you’re waiting for your permanent home, we're now offering MTA supports in two of our Melbourne-based homes. Find out more online.
We are also partnering with the Housing Hub to deliver a series of free info sessions to empower our clients - and others interested in understanding their housing options - to make informed choices about your home and support options under the NDIS. The webinars will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and to make sure you are living in the right home for you.
We are inviting our clients to a ‘Keys to Success’ empowerment training course designed to support people with disability to speak up and have a say in their life. The course will cover topics such as self-advocacy and ways to get your voice heard. The first of five workshops will be on 16 August.
On 30 July we celebrated International Day of Friendship – a day to encourage friendships between people, countries and cultures to inspire connection and peace efforts. It was an excellent opportunity to celebrate the many wonderful friendships we have across Yooralla. Drouin Community Hub celebrated by getting together to enjoy a high tea, prepared by their Hospitality program participants. Our Hospitality program at the Drouin Community Hub is delivered in partnership with TAFE Gippsland and provides an opportunity for our clients to learn all about food preparation and practical hospitality skills.
On 23 August, we will be hosting our next online client and family forum. We will be sending an invitation and more details to our clients and families in the coming days!
Stay safe and well.