Kindergarten Inclusion Support

At Yooralla, we believe that doing things as early as possible is the best way to increase participation and inclusion in everyday activities for children with disability.

Our Kindergarten Inclusion Support (KIS) service supports the inclusion of children with disability, or complex medical needs, into four-year old-community kindergarten programs, funded by the Department of Education and Training (DET).

It is our belief that inclusion is an essential key to enhancing the lives of people with disability.

Our KIS team promotes an inclusive environment in kindergartens; one in which your child is valued for their attributes and qualities. This can be supported through additional assistance within the kindergarten program and specialist consultancy for educators.

KIS are regional, based on DET regions. Yooralla is the auspicing agency in the South East (Metropolitan) Region. Other organisations coordinate KIS in other regions.

Further information can be found in the guides and application forms available for download.

Please email completed application form (using either a kindergarten or Early Years Management email address) to

Alternatively, you can mail a completed copy of the application form to:

RAG Convenor
PO Box 5435
Cranbourne, Victoria 3977

Resources for Kindergarten Inclusion Support - Department of Education and Training Resources

KIS Specialised Equipment Trial

In 2021, a new element was added to the KIS program, called the KIS Specialised Equipment Trial (SET).

The KIS SET is funded by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and managed by Yooralla.

The objective of the KIS SET is to enable greater inclusion of children with disability to participate in a Victorian Government funded kindergarten program, alongside their typically developing peers, so that all children can access, participate and achieve positive learning outcomes.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funds specialised equipment for use at home and in the community but not in education and care settings.

The early childhood education and care sector continues to be responsible for meeting the education and care needs of children with a development delay or disability.

Specialised equipment under KIS SET will be available for loan at no cost to approved Victorian Government funded kindergarten programs to support children with disability and will operate within the KIS SET Guidelines.

Kindergarten services can submit a loan request application to Yooralla at any point during the kindergarten year.

Specialised equipment available from KIS SET may include:

  • change tables
  • toilet seats or steps
  • potty chairs
  • mobile stools
  • hoists and slings
  • harnesses and seating or posture aids, and
  • standing frames to allow a child with high physical needs to participate in activities in a kindergarten program.

Department of Education and Training Resources - Department of Education and Training Resources

Access tailored services for children with autism

Access tailored services for children with autism

Recognising the importance of early intervention in building a child’s capacity through their early years, Yooralla has a team of specialists from different disciplines who can work together with your family and child to understand your child’s needs