
Make a difference in the lives of people with disability and use your skills and experience to enhance existing programs across Yooralla's wide range of services.

A client and Volunteer chatting over coffee

What we provide

Yooralla is committed to supporting our volunteers and valuing their contribution to the clients and the organisation.

We want all volunteers  to feel happy, safe and - most of all - feel that they are using their skills and experience to provide opportunities for others. Yooralla volunteers are not expected to do the work of a paid employee, rather enhance the programs and activities with their passion and enthusiasm. 

Why volunteer?

There are many reasons why people chose to volunteer.

  • To make a difference in people’s lives.
  • To promote personal growth and self-esteem.
  • You get a chance to contribute and strengthen the community.
  • To gain professional experience.
  • To learn and discover hidden talents and passions
How to Apply

How to Apply

Are you ready to start your volunteering journey with Yooralla?  
To get started, view our current opportunities and click the APPLY NOW button on any volunteering position that interests you. 

What can I do?

What are your strengths, skills and passions? Yooralla offers a large number of services to people with disability and you can volunteer across the organisastion.