Support Yooralla

Get involved with the Yooralla community. Your donations help us to achieve our purpose of supporting people with disability to live the life they choose.

Learn more about how you can support Yooralla to make a difference to the lives of people with disability

Learn about how our donors are making a difference

See how the collective dedication of our donors has had a significant impact on the lives of people with disability in our Donor Impact Video.  Learn more about becoming a Yooralla donor.

How you can support us

By donating to Yooralla, you can help us as we partner with people with disability in designing and delivering unfunded initiatives that can enhance their lives.

Donations, gifts, and philanthropic funding are used to advance Yooralla’s purpose of supporting people with disability to live the life they choose.

There are several different ways that people choose to give to Yooralla. How each person supports us is valuable and contributes to our ability to address critical needs in disability that are unfunded.

Single donations and gifts: Donate to Yooralla at any time with a donation or in response to our latest appeals. Visit our online form

Recurring GivingDonations given monthly/quarterly/twice a year/annually through direct debit or deductions from your credit card arranged with your provider.

Community Fundraising: Raising funds for Yooralla by making us a beneficiary of your events, activities or through your networks e.g. fun runs/walks; school fetes; in lieu of flowers or gifts for birthdays, weddings and in memoriam

Major Gifts: Significant contribution to cover all, a majority or a significant proportion of the cost of an initiative and may be given one-off or over multiple years as a multi-year pledge. Major Gifts may be in response to specific initiatives for which we are seeking funds or read more about the Yooralla foundation's case for support

Leaving a Gift in your Will/Bequesting to Yooralla: Including Yooralla in your Will to benefit from your Estate or listing a donation to Yooralla as part of your intention for your Estate. More information available here.

Workplace Giving: Pre-tax donations from your salary organised through your workplace.

Corporate partnership: A relationship between Yooralla and your company or business to engage in joint initiatives supported through cash and/or in-kind donations, employee volunteering and/or pro bono engagement. Because each company is different, we design tailored partnership agreements.

Why donate to Yooralla?

Why donate to Yooralla?

We aim to tackle six major areas of need that, in partnership with people with disability, we can progress to fill gaps and remove barriers that still exist for them.

Leave a gift in your Will

Leave a gift in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will for Yooralla is a meaningful, enduring legacy for people with a disability and those who support them. By including Yooralla in your Will, you are helping us shape a hopeful future for disability.

Make a donation- Smiling Young person- Yooralla client

Make a donation

If you would like to donate by mail, please send a cheque or money order to:

Yooralla Fundraising
Reply Paid 90365
PO Box 310
Collins Street West VIC 8007

The Foundation

The Foundation

In 2021, the Yooralla Board established a dedicated Foundation for all donations, philanthropic gifts and funding received. Yooralla Foundation funds are used for the purpose of resourcing activities and initiatives that improve the lives of people with disability.

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